image of David Purser

Recent Publications

Determinisation and Unambiguisation of Polynomially-Ambiguous Rational Weighted Automata
Ismaël Jecker, Filip Mazowiecki, David Purser
LICS 2024 doi
The Big-O Problem for Max-Plus Automata is Decidable (PSPACE-Complete)
Laure Daviaud, David Purser.
LICS 2023 doi, arXiv
History-deterministic Vector Addition Systems
Sougata Bose, David Purser, Patrick Totzke.
CONCUR 2023 doi, arXiv

Full publication list (including links to full and free versions)

Small Bio

I am a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) of computer science at the University of Liverpool, UK (since January 2023).

Previously I was a postdoctoral researcher at The University of Warsaw, Poland (2022), in the group of Wojciech Czerwiński and at The Max Planck Institute for Software Systems (MPI-SWS), Saarbrücken (2020-2022), in the group of Joël Ouaknine. I completed my PhD in computer science at the University of Warwick in 2020, supervised by Andrzej Murawski, Dmitry Chistikov and Graham Cormode, funded by EPSRC as a member of the Centre for Doctoral Training in Urban Science and Progress. Before that, I obtained a BSc in Discrete Mathematics and a MSc in Data Analytics, both from the University of Warwick.

I am currently one of the managing editors of TheoretiCS, a high-quality diamond open-access overlay journal. Please submit your best work.

Where am I?

LICS'24 (P), Infinite Automata'24 (A), CONCUR'23 (P), Infinity'23 (O), Highlights'23 (T), Bellairs'23 (T), Autobóz'22 (O), CONCUR'22 (P), FLoC + LICS'22 (P), Highlights'22 (T), Hermitage II (A), POPL'22 (P), CONCUR'21 (P), Highlights'21 (T), CAV'21 (P), WATA'20/21 (T), FSTTCS'20 (P), WPCCS'20 (T), Highlights'20 (A), CONCUR'20 (P), Autobóz'20 (A), ICALP'20 (P), WPCCS'19 (TO), TPDP'19 (A), Highlights'19 (T), CONCUR'19 (P), Autobóz'19 (A), EPIT'19 (A), TPDP'18 (A), ATVA'18 (P), Highlights'18 + Erichfest (T), FLoC'18 (A), WPCCS'18 (TO), BCTCS'18 (T), DIMAP10 (A), SREPLS-7 (O), Marktoberdorf'17 (A), WPCCS'17 (TO)

P: Paper, T: Talk, A: Attendee, O: Organising Team


Software / Code

Research software: Porous | Porous Github, Skolem

Liverpool: Liverpool LaTeX Beamer Theme (Liverpool CS GitLab, contact me if you do not have access)

Warwick: Warwick LaTeX Posters (Warwick login required), Warwick LaTeX Beamer Theme (on GitHub)

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