Recent Publications
Engel Lefaucheux, Joël Ouaknine, David Purser, James Worrell.
FMSD 2024
Ismaël Jecker, Filip Mazowiecki, David Purser
LICS 2024
Sougata Bose, Rasmus Ibsen-Jensen , David Purser, Patrick Totzke, Pierre Vandenhove
Full publication list
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Small Bio
I am a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) of computer science at the University of Liverpool, UK (since January 2023).
Previously I was a postdoctoral researcher at The University of Warsaw, Poland (2022), in the group of Wojciech Czerwiński and at The Max Planck Institute for Software Systems (MPI-SWS), Saarbrücken (2020-2022), in the group of Joël Ouaknine. I completed my PhD in computer science at the University of Warwick in 2020, supervised by Andrzej Murawski, Dmitry Chistikov and Graham Cormode, funded by EPSRC as a member of the Centre for Doctoral Training in Urban Science and Progress. Before that, I obtained a BSc in Discrete Mathematics and a MSc in Data Analytics, both from the University of Warwick.
I am currently one of the managing editors of TheoretiCS, a high-quality diamond open-access overlay journal. Please submit your best work.
Where am I?
Highlights'24 (T), LICS'24 (P), Infinite Automata'24 (A), CONCUR'23 (P), Infinity'23 (O), Highlights'23 (T), Bellairs'23 (T), Autobóz'22 (O), CONCUR'22 (P), FLoC + LICS'22 (P), Highlights'22 (T), Hermitage II (A), POPL'22 (P), CONCUR'21 (P), Highlights'21 (T), CAV'21 (P), WATA'20/21 (T), FSTTCS'20 (P), WPCCS'20 (T), Highlights'20 (A), CONCUR'20 (P), Autobóz'20 (A), ICALP'20 (P), WPCCS'19 (TO), TPDP'19 (A), Highlights'19 (T), CONCUR'19 (P), Autobóz'19 (A), EPIT'19 (A), TPDP'18 (A), ATVA'18 (P), Highlights'18 + Erichfest (T), FLoC'18 (A), WPCCS'18 (TO), BCTCS'18 (T), DIMAP10 (A), SREPLS-7 (O), Marktoberdorf'17 (A), WPCCS'17 (TO)
P: Paper, T: Talk, A: Attendee, O: Organising Team
- COMP517 Programming Fundamentals, University of Liverpool (2023/24, 2024/25)
- Project supervision, University of Liverpool (2022/23 onwards)
- IN3064/INM704 Agents and Multi-Agents Systems, Visiting Lecturer, City, University of London (2021/22)
- CS260 Algorithms, Associate Tutor, University of Warwick (2015/16, 2016/17, 2017/18, 2018/19, 2019/20)
- CS910 Foundations of Data Analytics, Associate Tutor, University of Warwick (2016/17, 2017/18)
- CS409 Algorithmic Game Theory, Associate Tutor, University of Warwick (2016/17)
- CS259 Formal Languages, Associate Tutor, University of Warwick (2017/18, 2018/19)
- CS126 Design of Information Structures, Associate Tutor, University of Warwick (2017/18)
Software / Code
Research software: Porous | Porous Github, Skolem
Liverpool: Liverpool LaTeX Beamer Theme (Liverpool CS GitLab, contact me if you do not have access)
Warwick: Warwick LaTeX Posters (Warwick login required), Warwick LaTeX Beamer Theme (on GitHub)
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